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2024 Sing and Skate

Saturday, December 14, 2024

7 to 9 P.M.


Mark Your calendars & Join your neighbors at the 'Twin Ponds!'

  • Bonfire

  • Hot Chocolate

  • Holiday Carols

  • BYO Chairs/Snacks


The 5th Annual Sherwood Forest
Halloween Parade & Bonfire Gathering!

Will be held this year on
Saturday October 26th 2024, 5 pm


Join the parade at 5 pm which will circle the Twin Ponds area
(east side of our Sherwood Forest Neighborhood)

Kids (maybe some adults, too!) in costumes will enjoy the candy treats around the big circle.
Neighbors will have snacks, beverages, and chairs
 for a socializing. 
Weather this year looks GOOD!
Happy Trick or Treating



2024 SFA Annual Meeting

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

SFA's Annual meeting was held at the TWIN PONDS on Live Oak Drive 

  • Neighbors learned about this year's scheduled events ie:

  • Neighborhood Night to Unite, August 6th - Lakeview Lane Circle 

  • Halloween Parade & Bon Fire Saturday, October 26th 

  • Annual Turkey Trot Thursday, November 28th, 9 a.m. 

  • Sing & Skate Christmas/Holiday Caroling on Saturday, December 14th,
    Bring a chair, sit awhile, catch up with your neighbors! Meet new neighbors - 


  • Our Website:







Sherwood Forest Association

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This year the Turkey Trot will be on November 28th!


The Annual Turkey Trot 2023 was held
on Thanksgiving morning 9AM November 23rd

Thanks to the 13th Annual SF Turkey Trot participants in 2023!

Sponsored every year by Aimee and Greg.
The walk/run starts at Lakeview Lane W (Circle) 

every Thanksgiving morning
and raises money for ICA/Food Shelves

Turkey Trot 2023.jpg

With 44 this year we almost beat the previous record attendance year...
when we had snow on the ground!

The 4th Annual Sherwood Forest
Halloween Parade & Bonfire Gathering!

Was held this year on
Saturday October 28th 2023


The parade will started at 5pm at "the Big Rock" by the "front pond".

Kids in costumes enjoyed receiving candy treats around the big circle.
Neighbors brought snacks, beverages and chairs
 for a social gathering afterwards

with a bonfire between the twin ponds!



Established in 1959, the Sherwood Forest Association mission is to enhance the livability and community cohesiveness of the Sherwood Forest neighborhood, located in Minnetonka, Minnesota. The neighborhood is comprised of more than 265 homes within the Sherwood Forest, Timberline (Fox Hills) and Hilloway Park areas.


We are currently compiling a history of Sherwood Forest. We have the history of the Sherwood Hills Road area presented by early resident Ron Vagemast in Sept 2013. And we want to combine it with the rest of Sherwood Forest's history and present it to the public at the Ridgedale Library some time in 2015. If you would like to help please contact us. More details are on our History page. 


We strive to provide resources for our neighbors which will help them communicate with each other and strengthen our ability to maintain a safe and beautiful neighborhood. And also so that our residents can learn more about their environment and history of our land, and what they can do to help.

Get Involved

In addition to our website, you now have two new ways to keep in touch with what is going on in our neighborhood or to share some news of your own! 

  • Facebook    We now have an official facebook page!  Search "Sherwood Forest Association" and like us to stay updated on upcoming events.

  • Twitter   Follow us on Twitter for neighborhood alerts @ForestNeighbors.

Please Join Us !

If you would like to become a member of SFA:


Membership dues support maintenance and general improvements of common areas, neighborhood events, seminars, communications, including entrance utilities, association supplies and expenses. Your membership sustains the association, gives you a voice and a vote and provides a collective voice on issues affecting our neighborhood.               Residential association membership dues are voluntary.



  • Property owners of Sherwood Forest, Timberline (Fox Hills) and the Hilloway area.

  • A membership in good standing is a property owner household who has paid dues for the current fiscal year.

  • Effective May 2009 membership dues are $20.00 to join and $20.00 annually for each consecutive year thereafter, per household membership.

Voting Rights

  • Each household membership is entitled to one vote at any annual or special meeting of the association. Must be present to vote.


Please fill out the Sherwood Forest Association Membership Form

2024-25  Membership Form


You may pay membership dues by sending your form and payment to:


Sherwood Forest Association, Inc.
11919 Hilloway Road W.

Minnetonka, MN 55305-2513

or by using the

PayPal button below

Sherwood Forest Association, Inc.                                    
Phone: (612) 845-4509

11919 Hilloway Road W.                                                       

Minnetonka, MN 55305-2513                                 

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